Book Review: Vending Machines: Coined Consumerism, by Christopher Salyers

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pDespite the erudite and thoughtful historical introduction and the literally hundreds of context-rich photos of machines in-situ, fate, of course, would have the Core77 team first open Christopher Salyers new book to the full-bleed photo of a Japanese “used” panty vending machine. Attacking that subject with the academic rigor it deserves (?), a href=”″emVending Machines: Coined Consumerism/em/a notes that Japanese law requires licensing for the sale of used goods, so a mango scent is substituted for the real thing. While the sale of used panties in a vending machine might be due primarily to cultural factors, what can’t be denied is that Japan’s demographic trends (urban population density and an aging populace coupled with technological sophistication and relative affluence) point toward where most First World countries may be headed in the near-future. So while cosplay costumes (Japan – page 17), gold coins (Germany – page 26) and an automated hair straightener (Scotland – page 30) may not be reaching the masses anytime soon, things like beach-adjacent board shorts dispensers (US – page 32) and cloudburst-ready umbrella dispensers (Britain – page 31) have a certain logic. Just don’t expect walking vending machine robots (Japan, of course – page 40-41) to take over the world quite yet./p

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