Blankets by Snøhetta for Røros Tweed

Product news: Norwegian architecture firm Snøhetta showed this range of blankets in New York.

Blankets by Snøhetta for Røros Tweed
Mountain Fold

Snøhetta first presented the Mountain Fold blankets as prototypes for traditional Norwegian firm Røros Tweed tweed last year, but they’re now going into production alongside two new designs by the firm called Color Noise and Islandskap.

Blankets by Snøhetta for Røros Tweed

The Mountain Fold design features a seemingly abstract geometric design, but is meant to represent the Snøhetta mountain – after which the firm was named – when folded in a certain way.

Blankets by Snøhetta for Røros Tweed

It comes in six different colours representing six different architecture projects by the studio.

Blankets by Snøhetta for Røros Tweed
Islandskap blanket

The two new designs were chosen from an internal competition between all the company’s designers.

Blankets by Snøhetta for Røros Tweed

All the blankets are made of 100% Norwegian sheep’s wool.

Blankets by Snøhetta for Røros Tweed
Color Noise blanket

The range was on show at ICFF in New York last month, when Dezeen was in town as part of our Dezeen and MINI World Tour. Watch our first movie report from New York, in which Stephen Burks talks about how the city is evolving.

Blankets by Snøhetta for Røros Tweed

Based in Oslo and New York, Snøhetta recently broke ground on the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art extension.

Blankets by Snøhetta for Røros Tweed

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Blankets by Snøhetta for Røros Tweed

Here’s some more information from Røros Tweed:

At the 2013 ICFF, Røros Tweed, the traditional Norwegian Blanket manufacturer, announced the American launch of several new blankets designed by Snøhetta: the Snøhetta Mountain Fold, Color Noise, and Islandskap.

The first design was announced last year when the Mountain Fold was commissioned by Paul Makovsky of Metropolis Magazine, curator of the Inside Norway booth at ICFF 2012. The design was produced as a prototype but due to the overwhelmingly positive response, it will be available at American retailers in August 2013.

By following the strict graphic pattern, the Snøhetta Mountain Fold can be folded into the profile of the mountain Snøhetta at Dovre in Norway, the namesake of the architecture and design studio. The blanket is available in 6 different colors representing 6 different architectural projects designed by Snøhetta.

Blankets by Snøhetta for Røros Tweed

Each blanket can be also arranged or folded in a different way, presenting itself with different amount of pattern and color, and may serve as a blanket pillow due to its puffy nature when folded.

Following the success of the Mountain Fold blanket, Snøhetta has developed two additional designs, both representing a graphic presentation of architecture in abstract forms. Islandskap and Color Noise were developed after Snøhetta held an internal contest amongst all of its designers from New York and Oslo.

Retailers carrying the Røros Tweed brand include Anthropologie, Design Within Reach and Scandinavian House. Røros Tweed blankets are made out of 100% Norwegian high quality sheep wool.

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for Røros Tweed
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