Black Market No. 2

Singapore’s newest concept shop showcases Southeast Asia’s emerging designers and more

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Taking a cue from their select inventory of conceptual young designers, Singaporean boutique Black Market’s newly formed sister shop Black Market No. 2 toes the line between fashion and art by extending their involvement with clothing into other areas, such as film and in-store installations from a range of Southeast Asian designers.

Black Market’s intermingling among the creative arts is a natural progression. Run by Filipino video artist Quincy Teofisto and motion graphics designer Jasmine Tuan—who is also a driving force behind fashion label FrüFrü & Tigerlily—the duo’s eye for catching good talent early on is all part of Black Market’s bigger plan as a major force in the Singaporean fashion scene.

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Inside No. 2 is a shack-like wooden structure called Black Box, that serves as a pop-up space and focal point for various projects. Currently installed through 14 June 2011 is the Mixte Vol. 6 collection of all-black clothing pieces by designer Nina Nikicio. SBTG took over the area last April, where the label transformed old Levi’s, Dickies and other classic brands into new items and used the space to display and sell these.

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Designed by Teofisto and Tuan, No. 2 is a cavernous space with raw wood everywhere. Upon entrance, a huge multi-level shelf against one wall immediately draws you in, a design inspired by the way Chinese doctors store medicine and functioning as the shop’s integrated stockroom.

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“Singaporean designers are quiet observers, they have subliminal approach on current trends in the market,” said Teofisto. “By comparison to other Asian counties, Singaporean designers are detached from the usual traditional style of their neighboring countries, perhaps the country is young and still looking for its own identity.”

Most recently Black Market was involved in Thread on Frame, a festival in which they picked international moviemakers, photographers and artists to turn labels carried by the store—like Max Tan, Proudrace and Normallyanomaly—into fashion films. In addition to operating as a concept shop, Teofisto and Tuan plan to offer clothing production for designers as well as create its own signature line. Keep tabs on what both locations are up to through the Black Market blog.

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