Bike Snob

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The forthcoming witty guide to the world of cycling called “Bike Snob” is the brainchild of NYC’s eponymous blogger. Choosing to remain anonymous, Bike Snob explains why the bicycle is truly a great invention (even the Amish use it) and takes his readers from bike basics to advanced cycling, waxing lyrical about the various types of cyclists, safety tactics, and how non-cyclists should engage with their two-wheeled friends.


With its increasing rise in popularity, this essential primer on proper bike knowledge comes just in time—especially for crowded metropolises like NYC. Bike Snob realistically dispenses advice on how to prepare for inclement weather, “getting doored,” and the perils of biking under the influence.


A true devotee, Bike Snob’s contagious outlook comes through whether dropping historical information or slapping his seal of disapproval on bikes around town. The nearly pocket-sized book (illustrated by Christopher Koelle) is available for pre-order from Chronicle Books or Amazon.

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