Big Bloom by Charlie Guda for The Cottage Industry

Big Bloom by Charlie Guda for The Cottage Industry

This vase by Charlie Guda for Rotterdam company The Cottage Industry combines a test-tube with a magnifying lens to show off tiny single blooms.

Big Bloom by Charlie Guda for The Cottage Industry

The Big Bloom vase uses an acrylic fresnel lens with two legs to add stability.

Big Bloom by Charlie Guda for The Cottage Industry

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Big Bloom by Charlie Guda for The Cottage Industry

Here’s some text from The Cottage Industry:

We have Augustin-Jean Fresnel to thank for the creation of a thinner and lighter lens which we today aptly call the Fresnel lens.

The idea dates back to the seventeenth century and was then employed to reduce the bulk of glass that was then necessary for the manufacture of the lenses in a lighthouse.

Since then it has been used widely in car headlights, overhead projectors (for those old enough to remember!), reading aids and hand held magnifying glasses.

In hommage to Monsieur Fresnel, we would hereby like to reinstate his invention for something a little less prosaic namely, to magnify and enhance the flower!

The all new transparent Big Bloom vase will greatly magnify any flower allowing you to see the fine intricacies of the flower in much greater detail.

Whether it’s a rose you received from your loved one or a flower plucked from your garden…this vase knows how to make the best of it.

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