Beauty Pick Me Up – New Summer Hair Color? Make It Last!

imageFor many of us, the change of seasons and climate also means a change of hair color! While rich browns, deep reds and sleek black locks are perfect for the cold days of Fall and Winter, it’s all about lightening up your look for Spring and Summer!

Bright blondes, reddish blondes, highlighted chestnut tones and golden highlights all around are a great way to make your look seem lighter, younger and more seasonally appropriate! You love your new hair color, but we all know the hard part when it comes to keeping you Summer hair looking fresh and new. How to make it last and give you hair back the bonce and hydration it needs after a chemical color?

Here at StyleHive, we feel your gripe so we got together to make a list of all of our favorite tried and true hair care products that are designed to make your color stay vibrant and your tresses soft and luscious!

Check out the slideshow!

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