Beauty Pick Me Up – 7 Ways To Get Great Skin!

imageThe weather has gotten noticeably cooler in the last few weeks and while a rest from the harsh sun and heat may be a good thing for our skin, it also means drier air and wind-chapped faces and lips.
Can’t a girl catch a break?
Yes! For Fall and cooler weather in general, a few golden rules to stick by is exfoliate and moisturize! A gentle exfoliator polishes while removing dull, dead skin and moisturizing keeps it supple and soft to the touch, even in these harsher weathers. Serums chock full of vitamins are also a great way to give yourself a glow all the way through the chilly season and using a more concentrated corrective cream keeps crows-feet and laugh lines at bay.
Facial masks are also worth a try to help keep skin fresh and smooth. These facial masks come in a variety of choices including moisturizing, vitamin injecting and whitening so look for one that suits your needs and apply once a week! One last important must for a fresh-face? Using SPF, even on cloudy days, is always a good idea.

Ready for a fresh, glowing face free of fine lines and blemishes this Fall? Click on our slideshow to see some of our fave skin care and facial products!

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