Beautiful Planets by Béatrix Li-Chin Loos at Galerie Gosserez

Beautiful Planets by Beatrix Li-Chin Loos at Gallery Gosserez

German-Taiwanese designer Béatrix Li-Chin Loos has created this series of spherical vases from layers of scrap wood, glass, cardboard and leather.

Beautiful Planets by Beatrix Li-Chin Loos at Gallery Gosserez

Called Beautiful Planets, the handmade vases each represent a different planet in the solar system and are made from material off-cuts and reclaimed leather straps.

Beautiful Planets by Beatrix Li-Chin Loos at Gallery Gosserez

The objects are all unique, as they are made of any available leftover materials.

Beautiful Planets by Beatrix Li-Chin Loos at Gallery Gosserez

Li-Chin Loos created the series for Galerie Gosserez in Paris.

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Beautiful Planets by Beatrix Li-Chin Loos at Gallery Gosserez

Here’s some more information from Galerie Gosserez:

Beautiful planets by Béatrix Li-Chin LOOS (2010/11)
Insolit sculpture vases, each one of which suggests a different planet of The Universe.

The series plays with the mix of materials (wood, cardbox, leather and glass) and with the contrast between the rugged and the finished surfaces, in order to reach a new esthetics.

Each piece is an unique eco-design creation, each one being different from all the others through choice of materials, particular veins in the wood, and above all the result of what material left overs are available at a given moment. Each planet is hand made and born out of the designer’s work.

The  ”mother earth – la terre est notre mère” motto serves as a reminder of our collective duty of care to our Planet. It’s also Beatrix Li-Chin Loos’ leitmotiv and the source of her ecogical inspiration.

Materials: Off-cuts of wood (elm, chipboard or medium), recycled card box, blown glass tube, recycled leather strap
Dimensions: diameter 15, 18, 21 and 28 cm

Beautiful planets collection is created in exclusivity for Galerie Gosserez. Unique pieces.

See also:


Paperpulp by
Debbie Wijskamp
Weld Vases by
Phil Cuttance
Wood Vases by
Paul Loebach
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