BBC2’s five-part “The Genius of Design” series premieres tonight

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pIt’s frustrating reading about great programming that you have no access to, but for those of you lucky enough to live in the UK, tonight is the debut of BBC2’s new “A HREF=”” The Genius of Design/A” program. (Gotta love that acronym.) /p

pThe five-part series kicks off with the “Ghosts in the Machine” episode:/p

blockquoteThe first episode of this new series tells the fascinating story of the birth of industrial design. Alongside the celebrated names, from Wedgwood to William Morris, it also explores the work of the anonymous designers responsible for prosaic but classic designs for cast-iron cooking pots to sheep shears – harbingers of a breed of industrially produced objects culminating in the Model T Ford. Includes interviews with legendary designer Dieter Rams and J Mays, Ford Motors’ global head of design./blockquote
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