Baum and Ananas: Food-like bangles from Study O Portable

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pa href=””Study O Portable/a, UK-based Bernadette Deddens and Testuo Mukai, produced two awesome, edible-looking pieces of jewelry for a href=””Food Marketo/a, a collaboration between Design Marketo and Appartamento Magazine./p

pBaum, pictured top, is produced in a similar way to a Baumkuchen (or German Tree Cake). Layers of coloured ceramic resin are applied onto a rotating spit over a period of several hours. The “trunk” is then cut into slices to form bangles. /p

pAnanas comes from a “fascination for huge American roadside sculptures, such as giant donuts and dinosaurs” and an investigation into “the relationship between a tool of production and the resulting object.” A third bangle is made with the first two, which serve as oversized knurling tools that create a pattern of a scaled-up pineapple skin. Here, the tools and the pieces produced with them can all be worn as jewelry./p

pMore photos follow./p

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