Barnbrook’s Little Book of Shocking Global Facts

Barnbrook has compiled and designed a 192 page book which combines graphic imagery with hundreds of shocking global facts. Did you know, for example, that 2.6 billion people do not have basic sanitation, or that life expectancy in Swaziland is just 32 years, or that there are nearly 2 million inmates currently housed in US prisons?

The various facts collected in The Little Book of Shocking Global Facts (published by Fiell, £8.95) are arranged into chapters (see two images down for the contents page) and no two spreads share the same design or layout. Essentially the book aims to highlight what the authors see as the dangers of unchecked globalisation.

Here is a selection of spreads:

The Little Book of Shocking Global Facts is published by Fiell and priced at £8.95. It is also available in a German and French editions. More info at

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