Banksys Top-Secret Hometown Exhibit Launches This Weekend in Bristol


In case you missed the news late last week, this Saturday marked the launch of mega-street artist Banksy‘s first show in his home turf of Bristol in the UK, or more specifically, at the City Museum and Art Gallery. It looks similar to several of his other, rare exhibitions (though we’ve yet to hear anything about an elephant, like he had in Los Angeles), but what makes the exhibit perhaps most interesting was that the museum kept the entire thing a secret up until the day before it opened, even from the city council who provide the museum’s funding, realizing that there would be quite a bit of bureaucratic back and forth if they proposed it earlier, what with Banksy’s history in the city (half seem to love him, half seem to hate his work popping on random walls). In addition to the linked story above, the show’s opening has resulted in a bunch of video, of course, including this piece which we enjoyed:

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