Banksy Pays Off London Band with Painting for Exit Through the Gift Shop Name


So we can get off this gloomy art news for a bit, so as to not also sour the rest of your morning, a fun story coming out this week about Banksy. As you know, the mysterious prankster artist had named his Sundance-pleasing documentary, Exit Through the Gift Shop. Unfortunately, he later discovered that a band in London had also been using that same name. And the trouble with being anonymous and famous at the same time is that when you send emails politely asking the band to change their name so it doesn’t conflict with your upcoming film, they’re likely to think it’s nothing but a prank. So Banksy did something to prove he was who he said: he sent the group a gigantic painting, created to be used as a backdrop for their shows. Upon arrival, the band a) changed their name to Brace Yourself and b) had the painting appraised (perhaps not in that particular order). The estimated going price for the new work: £200,000.

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