Bankruptcy Might be Annie Leibovitzs Only Option and Positive Reviews for Zaha Hadids Pavilion


Quickly following up on two stories from earlier in the week, we first turn to Annie Leibovitz, who we told you on Tuesday was being sued for $24 million by Art Capital Group. We return to Bloomberg and writer Katya Kazakina who speculates that bankruptcy might be the only viable option the famous photographer has in getting out of the mess, explaining that fighting the suit out in court could lead to utter ruin, whereas bankruptcy could stave off Liebovitz’s creditors for a while, giving her time to sort things out. Kazakina also goes into some of the reasons why the photographer has gotten into said mess, with everything between housing renovations that turned sour to having to pay very high surrogacy fees for the births of her two children.

In far happier news, now that Zaha Hadid‘s Burnham pavilion has finally opened here in Chicago, Colleen Mastony has taken to Millennium Park to find out what the common man thinks of Hadid’s latest spacecraft. The verdict is nearly all positives among the seven people interviewed, except for an evil attorney from the suburbs who found the whole thing too hot inside, too bright to see any of the videos, and already “dirty and dented” (which was a comment made several times, even if the other interviewees rated the temporary structure positively). Also we learned that “The Egg” seems to be the most popular nickname given to this piece of Hadid’s work. Personally, we favored “The Dinner Roll” and “The Hornet” but you can’t have it all, right?

And with that, we collapse into a big pile of mush on the floor and pass you along to Stephanie. Whew.

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