Bandit by Sebastian Bergne

Bandit by Sebastian Bergne

Here’s a ruler by London designer Sebastian Bergne that’s specially adapted for shooting rubber bands. 

Bandit by Sebastian Bergne

Slits in one edge mean users simply need to wrap a rubber band round one end to create a trigger mechanism before firing away.

Bandit by Sebastian Bergne

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Bandit by Sebastian Bergne

Here are some more details from Sebastian Bergne:

Bandit was inspired by the 100s of red rubber bands littering the streets of London.

Bandit by Sebastian Bergne

What at first glance appears to be an ordinary ruler is transformed into a fun product to appeal to the naughty school boy in everyone.

Bandit by Sebastian Bergne

Typology: Shooting Ruler
Manufactured by: L’Atelier d’Exercises
Materials: Acrylic
L 32 x W 3.5 x D 0.3cm

See also:


Bamboolarule by
Baskerville Studio
Ground by
Michael Antrobus
Anything by Michael
Sodeau and Suikosha
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