Avatar Criticized Over Font Selection


Despite this weekend’s massive snow storms putting a very slight chink in its armor, James Cameron‘s new film Avatar certainly wasn’t hurting too badly either at the box office, nor with critics or in fan reviews. But while there’s substantial buzz about things like the film’s use of 3D or how it’s as ham-handed as Titanic but somehow the spectacle more than makes up for it, there’s some negative opinions out there among the type crowd. The issue is over how close the film’s title is to the much-maligned Papyrus font, the one regularly used to on posters made in Word and in bad advertising to make something look either old or rustic. The very funny Papyrus Watch (a site we now have bookmarked) takes a few cracks at the poster here, as does Bleeding Cool, who included a brief conversation they had with the font’s original creator:

That’s pretty much the Papyrus font folks, created by Chris Costello in 1982. And used to death on tat ever since. Costello says, “Although many despise the font, right up there with Comic Sans, and Helvetica, I think even more people absolutely love it” — well, add James Cameron as a new fan.

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