Ask Unclutterer: Too much storage space

Reader Marci submitted the following to Ask Unclutterer:

I am a fanatic unclutterer. Our kitchen is very organized. But we actually have too much storage space (tons and tons of drawers and cabinets). What should I do with these empty drawers?

My first instinct is to tell you to leave them empty. Think of them as Drawers of Possibility. At some point in the future you may take up a new cooking hobby or decide to use them for things not cooking related at all — and you’ll have the room to grow.

Have you wanted to learn to can your own vegetables? If you have, now you have the space to store the equipment. Have you wanted to learn to make amazing cakes like Duff on Ace of Cakes? Now you have space to store your supplies.

You could use them for paper files or get a puppy and store dog food in them. The possibilities are endless, and you will know what to use them for when those opportunities arise. Enjoy them as simply Drawers of Possibility in the present.

By the way, I am really envious of your situation. My two kitchen drawers are not cutting it right now. Also, check out the comments where readers will give you even more ideas for your storage space.

Thank you, Marci, for submitting your question for our Ask Unclutterer column.

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