Ask Unclutterer: How to use Entourage to manage e-mail

Reader Bev submitted the following to Ask Unclutterer:

The company I went to work for in March has both Macs and PCs (me=graphic designer, Mac). The IT department has all of us using Entourage to keep us on a consistent system. I know that Entourage has features to help organize e-mail and create tasks, but I’m not using them yet. Help–please!

Bev, either you’re a plant, or you have the best timing in the universe. Last week, Microsoft arranged for me to have a phone call with Peter Walsh about Entourage for Mac. I’m not kidding. So, even though I’m not an Entourage user, I have a little more insight into the product than I did before the call.

For starters, Microsoft has fantastic Office 2008, which includes the program. And, as Walsh said, “If it works, great. If not, move onto what works best for you.”

However, Bev, at work you don’t have much of a choice about the program that you use. So, learn all that you can from the videos and take advantage of the planning features in the program. Peter Walsh seems to like them, and that is an organized endorsement if I ever heard one.

Thank you for submitting your question for our Ask Unclutterer column. Good luck getting your e-mail under control, and check out our other posts on e-mail management for non-program specific ideas.

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