Artforum Names New Editor-in-Chief

cover_AF.jpgHas a whole seven years elapsed since Tim Griffin became editor-in-chief of Artforum? So it has, and he has decided to leave the post for new adventures (which we fervently hope he will write about, whether in prose or verse). In his new role as Artforum‘s editor-at-large, Griffin will organize symposia and book projects, and will produce a special issue of the magazine next fall. He is also completing a volume of his own critical writing on contemporary art. Meanwhile, senior editor Michelle Kuo is taking the helm as editor-in-chief, Artforum announced today. A doctoral candidate at Harvard who has written numerous articles for Artforum, Kuo has also contributed to many other publications and exhibition catalogues. From 2005 to 2007, she was the Wyeth Predoctoral Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the National Gallery of Art.

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