Art Directors Club Announces New Crop of Young Guns

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(Logo: Young Guns 6 winner Craig Ward of Words Are Pictures)

The jury has spoken, and the Art Directors Club has announced its newest group of Young Guns: 50 creative sharp-shooters from around the globe that are doing great things in discplines ranging from graphic design and art direction to environmental design and video. The winners, all under 30, hail from 14 countries, including Lithuania (PetPunk), Denmark (Peter Michael Willer), and Japan (NOSIGNER). More than half (26) of this class of Young Guns are based in North America, and many are already working for some big guns: among those now in possession of coveted award cubes are Timothy Goodman (a designer with COLLINS:), Karim Charlebois-Zariffa (Sagmeister, Inc.), Qian Qian (McCann Erickson), and Ben Wiseman (Rodrigo Corral Design). Others are doing great things on their own, including U.S. winners Jessica Hische, Mixtape Club, Dan Saelinger, and Matt Smithson. Check out the full list of Young Guns 7 winners here. Those in the New York area can head to the ADC Gallery, where a selection of the winners’ eye-poppingly good work is on view through Friday, November 6.

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