Arman Emami’s improved paper clip design

pimg alt=”0Clip_It_04.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”291″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pI remember Henry Petroski’s A HREF=”–Zippers-Came/dp/0679740392/ref=sr_1_1?s=booksie=UTF8qid=1285600644sr=1-1″ IThe Evolution of Useful Things/I/A book from my design school days, and the paper clip on the cover being touted as a more or less perfect product design. The humble clip performed its job well, used a minimum of materials and manufacturing processes, and there was nothing that could be practically added to it to increase its functionality./p

pUntil now, that is. Designer A HREF=”” Arman/A Emami’s A HREF=”” Clip-it/A, designed for Verbatim, is a flash drive paper clip that holds two to four gigabytes of data. Meaning Petroski’s entire book will now fit handily on a paper clip, at least if it’s a Clip-it. Pretty /
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