Are you productively or destructively wasting time?
Posted in: UncategorizedI’m a proponent of wasting time when it feeds a greater purpose, such as when it recharges your body and mind, strengthens a relationship, or introduces you to a new way of looking at things. A former colleague of mine had a jelly bean dispenser in her office, and while on mid-afternoon strolls by her desk we sometimes solved work-related problems just by casually talking them over with each other.
What isn’t productive, however, is wasting time as a procrastination technique, to avoid responsibilities, or to take advantage of someone else.
If you don’t know the difference between productive and destructive time wasting, here is a simple way to tell:
Imagine your boss or a well-respected colleague were to walk by your desk and have immediate and full access to what you were doing and thinking. Would you change your behavior?
If the answer is “no,” you’re very likely in the productive time wasting category and you should feel comfortable with what you’re doing. Remember that even bosses and respected colleagues take breaks from time-to-time, so be realistic when you’re constructing your answer.
If the answer is a strong “yes,” however, you’re in the destructive time wasting category and it’s time for you to get back to work.
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