Architectural Record Launches iPad Edition


We could be wrong, but we believe with this being announced this week, Architectural Record is the first architecture magazine to make the touchy-feely transition over to the iPad. They’ve partnered with the online distributor Zinio, who will be helping them port each issue from here on out onto all of Apple‘s devices, as well as onto desktops. While maybe not as flashy and interactive as some of Conde Nast‘s high profile releases, there’s still that page flipping we’re all fans of and the ability to send pieces along by email and social apps. You can play around with their latest issue here, sans-subscription. Here’s a bit from the announcement:

Architectural Record‘s audience is digitally savvy and architects are using iPhones and iPads,” said Robert Ivy, FAIA, vice president and editorial director of McGraw-Hill Construction and editor-in-chief of Architectural Record.

“We are proud to become the first business-to-business magazine to be available on the iPad,” he said. “We are excited to be able to offer these new formats, an important step in our continued commitment to applying the latest digital innovations for our customers.”

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