Architectural Digest Names Elle Decors Margaret Russell as New Editor-in-Chief


We learned back at the start of June that Architectural Digest‘s longtime editor-in-chief, Paige Rense Noland, had decided to retire after 35 years with the magazine. But who would replace her? Rumors began last week that the front-runner was Margaret Russell, the editor-in-chief at Elle Decor. Now it’s been confirmed that it will indeed be Russell taking over Noland’s spot, as early as September (Noland’s original plans were to leave by August, but we’ll see if she sticks around until her replacement comes aboard). What’s more, the NY Times reports that Architectural Digest will be moving their offices from Los Angles to New York, into “one of Conde Nast‘s buildings” in the city. To get to know the new boss, here’s a “So What Do You Do” interview we here at mediabistro conducted with Russel a couple of years back.

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