Apeloig wins top ISTD prize

Philippe Apeloig (soon to be profiled in CR) won the Overall Award at this year’s International Society of Typographic Designers awards for his Théâtre du Châtelet poster campaign

ISTD judge Freda Sack said: “Philippe Apeloig often creates special display typefaces for his work – this Châtelet poster series shows his skill with, and use of unique letterforms, combining them with a clean, sans serif, to great effect. Here Apeloig’s typography has a musicality that is in perfect harmony with the subject matter.”

“With its tonal variation, rhythm and dramatic emphasis, the Opera poster is my favourite of the three. The scale and impact of these posters demand your attention. The information can be read and assimilated within seconds – an essential quality for a good poster.”

Among the Premier Awards were, Cartlidge Levene for its Guardian office wayfaring programme (featured in CR Feb 09)


R2 in Portugal for its amazing typographic Installation on the Ermida Nossa Senhora da Conceição in Lisbon, a former private chapel now opening as an art gallery.


Studio8 Design for FUTU magazine


300million for And, a promotional brochure for copywriter Mike Reed


Studio Astrid Stavro (featured in CR June) for La Libería de los Escritores and the Merce Rodoreda exhibition catalogue

A2/SW/HK for its Intervention/Decoration (“an exhibition bringing together a significant selection of internationally renowned and emerging artists to explore how artists use decoration and intervention to challenge our expectations and inspire our visions of what is possible in public spaces.”) identity

Bohatsch Visual Communication for its sefl-promotional book Continuously


And Julia Sysmäläinen for the FF Mr K typeface

Plus Barrie Tullett and Philippa Wood of The Caseroom Press in Lincoln for The Ghost in the Fog, which documents corrections made by the editors, translators and contributors to How to Address the Fog: XXV Finnish Poems 1978–2002. “Using typography that suggests concrete poetry, the rhythmical pattern through the pages gives the sense of a musical score,” said Freda Sack of the book.

The winners are featured in a catalogue which has just been published and which can be bought for £15 here

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