Antenna Lights by Adrien Rovero

Antenna Lights by Adrien Rovero

Swiss designer Adrien Rovero presents a collection of lights shaped like TV antennas at Galerie Kreo in Paris.

Antenna Lights by Adrien Rovero

Called Antenna Lights, the three pieces use LED bulbs mounted in positionable arms and weighted with blown-glass bases.

Antenna Lights by Adrien Rovero

The project is on show as part of an exhibition called ECAL, a New Generation of Lights, on show until 5 February.

Antenna Lights by Adrien Rovero

More about Adrien Rovero on Dezeen »

Here are some more details from the designer:

Antenna Lights

Work based on LED technology trying to define new typology and used of these specific sources. LED stripes are small, strong and has a very small angle diffusions, they are integrate into very small extruded profile.

Antenna Lights by Adrien Rovero

The “antenna” can be rotate and oblique as wish to choose the right light directions. Bases are made in mouth blown glass in order to weight properly the antenna.

Antenna Lights by Adrien Rovero

Thanks to this specific material that bring a natural element VS an industrial extruded one. This tension confer to these lights there specification in addition of there new typology.

Antenna Lights by Adrien Rovero

This serie has been design for the exhibition “Ecal, a new generation of lights”. Presented at Galerie Kreo from th 16th of January until the 5th of February.

See also:


Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec
at Galerie Kreo
Studio Wieki Somers
at Galerie Kreo
Hella Jongerius
at Galerie Kreo
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