Announcing the Winners of Our Fondest Domino Memories Contest


This writer has unfortunately fallen victim to the airborne plague that has swept the Midwest (also known as the flu or the “I couldn’t have gotten sick when it was twenty below, but now that it’s finally sort of Spring-like out, that’s when my immune system fails?” virus). But we didn’t want to keep all the many wonderful people who wrote in with their favorite Domino memories for our giveaway contest, so this writer is popping in for a second before he returns to his NyQuil haze. While it was extremely difficult to pick the winners, we finally decided upon Hilary Bowers and Julia Walsh, whose entries you can read after the jump. They’ll be receiving copies of Domino: The Book of Decorating from our friends at Simon & Schuster. Congratulations to Julia and Hilary and a big thank you again to all those who wrote in with their memories. We’re sure it’ll make everyone who was on the Domino staff and/or freelance, pleased to know how many people thought so much about their now sorely missed magazine.


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