Announcing the Winner of Our Rem Koolhaas: A Kind of Architect Giveaway


Thanks to all those who entered our Rem Koolhaas: A Kind of Architect Giveaway. We received a ton of great entries and appreciate them all. By far and away, the starchitect’s CCTV tower won the consensus for favorite building (maybe you’re all in conspiracy and are just poking fun at China?). But in the end, we went with Susan McFeatters‘ pick that was closer to home, Koolhaas’ Seattle Public Library with her short, sweet, and nearly poetic entry:

The Seattle Public Library. Going up the “Books Spiral” must be like walking through a Dewey Decimal-curated compendium of the the world, past and present.

Thanks again to everyone who sent in their favorite Rems and to New Video for giving us a copy of the documentary to pass along to you (well, just to Susan, but you know what we mean).

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