Announcing CH Local and iPad App v2.0
Posted in: Uncategorized A big update to our iPad app and the debut of our city guides
Asking our friends, contributors and Facebook fans to recommend their favorite places in Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York City and San Francisco, we culled their picks into top-ten lists of the best “jumping-off” points in each city. We’re very pleased to present you with the resulting first edition of our new Cool Hunting Local section, five Google-map-based guides that include a range of prices, activity levels and moods—from the restaurant your Midwestern parents will actually love to a free ferry that sells beer—along with all the essential info and plenty of insider tips. We’ll update these lists monthly, adding and removing places and cities as we see fit.
Also available today is version 2.0 of the Cool Hunting iPad Application. We’ve added CH Local, Instapaper integration and the ability to save articles for later reference or offline viewing, among a handful of other updates. To highlight these new features our friends at One Line Creative made this slick walk-through video. We’ve worked with them on film projects in the past and were excited to hear about their new venture—a clever and elegant solution to the growing niche market for video app tutorials. Making a video like this is much more complicated than it looks and we think these guys totally nailed it.
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