Annie Leibovitzs Financial Troubles Continue as Art Capital Group Files Lawsuit


If you were looking to get into the pop-photography art market, now might be just the time to plop down a few bucks and buy an original Annie Leibovitz photo, if just to help out the financially-troubled artist, who seems to have seen everything go from bad to much worse. It’s become common knowledge now that the famous photographer had run into a bit of high-profile money troubles over these past few months, owing lots of money for taxes, mortgages, and other miscellaneous financial creditors. Now, as Bloomberg reports, the Art Capital Group has gone after Leibovitz, saying she has failed to follow an agreement she signed in order to receive a series of loans totaling around $24 million. So on top of dealing with her growing financial concerns and currently having to sell off the rights to her work, now she has Art Capital and their lawsuit to deal with, claims her representatives say are completely untrue:

“This is part of Art Capital’s continued harassment and attention-getting efforts,” the statement said. “There has been tension and dispute since the beginning. Annie is in the same shoes as many other people involved with Art Capital. For now, her attention remains on her photography and on continuing to organize her finances.”

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