And Then There Were Four: Deutsche Börse Photography Prize Shortlist

golden camera.jpgWe don’t envy the international panel of judges that will choose the winner of the Deutsche Börse Photography Prize, which aims to reward the contemporary photographer who has made the most significant contribution (exhibition or publication) to the medium of photography in Europe in the previous year. This year’s shortlist is a doozy, consisting of a British-born master of quotidian America (Paul Graham), a Palestinian-American archivist/activist/poet (Emily Jacir), an old-school chronicler of poignant beauty (Tod Papageorge), and a young American star with a flair for the forbidden (Taryn Simon). The work of the four artists shortlisted for the prize, now its in its thirteenth year, went on view last Friday in an exhibition at The Photographers’ Gallery in London, where it will remain through April 12 before traveling to C/O Berlin and Deutsche Börse headquarters in Frankfurt. The winner, to be announced next month, will receive £30,000 (approximately $44,000 at current exchange rates). Past winners include Esko Männikkö, Walid Raad, and Robert Adams.

Previously on UnBeige:

  • Emily Jacir Wins $100K Hugo Boss Prize
  • A Dozen Reasons to Attend Paul Graham’s Book Launch

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