And the Winning Google Doodle Is…

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Michael Bierut, Steven Heller, Ellen Lupton, Clement Mok, and the rest of the esteemed judging panel have spoken, and Texas sixth grader Christin Engelberth‘s “A New Beginning” (pictured above) is the big winner in the annual Doodle 4 Google contest, which challenges kids from around the country to redesign the Google logo according to a designated theme (this year’s: What I wish for the world). “My doodle expresses my wish that in the current crisis discoveries will be made,” wrote Engleberth in her contest entry. “That in these discoveries solutions will be found to help the Earth prosper once more. That those solutions will help the world get back on its feet, and create a better place for everyone.” Engleberth’s winning doodle will adorn Google’s U.S. homepage tomorrow (today, meanwhile, it sports a fun fossil theme to highlight the discovery of humanity’s long lost lemur link), and she will receive a $15,000 college scholarship as well as a $25,000 technology grant for her San Antonio junior high school.

Between May 11 and 18, the public cast nearly 6 million online votes to select the National Finalist doodles: “Friendship Around the World” by five-year-old Miriam Elizabeth Lowery, “Stop to Smell the Flowers” by Blakely Linz, age 13, and “From the Ashes” by Emerald Lu, also 13, whose symbol-stuffed design includes a phoenix, lotus blossoms, wheat, a circling pair of koi fish, a clock, and a butterfly. All of the regional finalists’ designs will go on view tomorrow at the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, where the “Doodle 4 Google: What I Wish for the World” exhibition will be up through July 5 in the museum’s design education center.

Previously on UnBeige:

  • Kids Nationwide Vie to Doodle for Google
  • Cooper-Hewitt Gets In on ‘Doodle for Google’ Contest Action
  • Sixth Grader Designs Google Homepage Logo

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