Amnesty TV launches with identity by Anthony Burrill

Amnesty TV launches this Friday online. Created by a team that includes producers and writers from News Wipe and the Inbetweeners, as well as the illustrators Robert Thompson and Modern Toss, it aims to “use popular satire and entertainment to reach grass roots audiences”. The new channel features an identity created by Anthony Burrill.

The channel will be hosted online on YouTube, and, according to the advance press info, will be a mix of documentary features with campaign stunts and satirical comedy. The aim is to particularly engage with the “online generation”, which judging by the irreverent, pop styling of the trailer below, is presumably a younger audience than Amnesty has reached out to in the past.

Amnesty TV has put together an in-house team of creative writers, filmmakers and digital artists to create the shows, which will appear every fortnight on the Amnesty TV online channel. The aim is to produce approximately 30 minutes of content a month, with each episode given a different theme. Alongside the aforementioned contributors are writers and directors from Smack The Pony, Big Train, and Shoreditch Tw*t, so the chances are there should be lots of laughs to be found on the channel alongside Amnesty’s more serious messages.

Burrill’s characteristic graphic style and use of slogans can be seen in the trailer and also in an ad for the channel, shown above. The logo for the channel, shown top, incorporates Amnesty’s classic candle mark.

The first programme will appear on Amnesty TV this Friday (July 15). For more info on the channel, visit


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