Alpha Beta Gamma

Stackable marble blocks for grown-up play

Following the success of his crumpled city maps, which solved the problem of paper by replacing it with durable Tyvek, industrial designer Emanuele Pizzolorusso has now come out with a set of blocks made from Carrara marble, the same material used for Michelangelo’s David. Alpha Beta Gamma is a set of three geometric shapes that can be reconfigured into a variety of constructions, like a grown-up lego set.

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Pizzolorusso wanted to create something harmonious and playful, giving people the freedom to design their very own desktop sanctuary. The result is a unique collection of gorgeously cut marble objects that brim with creative potential. The sets are available for pre-order on his website, or you can download technical drawings to make your own blocks (for non-commercial purposes) under the Creative Commons license.

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