Aintree by Tomás Alonso at Vera, Chapter One

Aintree by Tomás Alonso at Vera, Chapter One

London designer Tomás Alonso presented a range of shelves and lighting that combine ash timber with leather saddlery during the London Design Festival.

Aintree by Tomás Alonso at Vera, Chapter One

Each shelf is suspended on natural leather straps, of a similar tone and colour to the wood.

Aintree by Tomás Alonso at Vera, Chapter One

The timber and leather are joined with little brass studs.

Aintree by Tomás Alonso at Vera, Chapter One

The collection also includes a basket, a tray and a lamp with a glass shade.

Aintree by Tomás Alonso at Vera, Chapter One

Vera, Chapter One was an exhibition curated by Kirsty Minns and Érika Muller (KM & ÉM), which asked designers to use a fictional character, Vera, as their muse.

Aintree by Tomás Alonso at Vera, Chapter One

See all our stories about the London Design Festival here.

Aintree by Tomás Alonso at Vera, Chapter One

Photographs are by Benedict Morgan.

Aintree by Tomás Alonso at Vera, Chapter One

The text below is from Vera curators KM & ÉM:

Tomás Alonso

Every weekend, for as far back as she could remember, Vera and her parents would go away for day trips, sometimes to the beach, sometimes to the hills, sometimes to see her Aunt and Granddad. It was what they did.

She especially liked going to Stanmer Park. It was a regular outing spot for her and her family, but she didn’t mind because she could see the horses there. She loved horses.

Aintree by Tomás Alonso at Vera, Chapter One

Looking at them in the fields always gave her a feeling of freedom. It made her daydream of all the places they could go the day she learnt how to ride. She was especially fond of Aintree- that’s the name she gave her favourite one. She imagined he would grow into a strong pure bred that would win the Grand National, who knows maybe even ridden by her one day.

See also:


Furniture by Benjamin Hubert for De La EspadaMatilda 2011
at designjunction
Local Collection
by Maxim Velčovský
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