A Look Inside the House Steve Jobs Hates
Posted in: UncategorizedHere’s a fun, interesting piece about the house that Steve Jobs wants destroyed. The story goes that the king of the cool CEOs bought a gigantic estate in Woodside, California in 1984, during his first run as the head of Apple, intending to tear the historic place down and rebuild a new, smaller, more modern home. Unfortunately for Jobs, after staying there for almost a decade, he got fed up with the town’s city council and architecture preservationists who wouldn’t let his bulldozers have at the place, and moved elsewhere, while still holding onto the property. Despite recent years of getting his proposals shot down, Jobs was back once again, just last night in fact, battling with the council, hoping this time they’ll reconsider, following another decade of the property’s dilapidation, which is beautifully chronicled over at Fortune‘s Apple 2.0 blog, complete with lots of photographs of what’s become of the building over the years from the inside out. Also, make sure not to miss the link to the city council’s agenda to read all the gritty details.
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