A gentle reminder…

Over on the Flickr forum, outrage abounds at a rather unsubtle tweak to the logo…

Flickr and parent company Ludicorp were acquired by Yahoo! back in 2005 but, until a few days ago, the internet giant’s presence on the look and feel of the photo-sharing site was minimal.

While the clunky “from Yahoo!” isn’t exactly on equal footing with the familiar blue and pink lettering, the majority of the comments we checked on the forum suggest that it’s uniformly disliked.

Flickr has always had a very strong community feel, so tacking on a reminder that 1) the site is owned by an enormous internet behemoth and 2) its own logo is really quite terrible indeed, is bound to cause some upset among the faithful.

And if you’re one of those, try this nifty bit of code, which restores the logo to its original Yahoo!-less purity.

Thanks to Daniel Bass for emailing us.



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