9 Department Store and Gallery by Case-Real

9 Department Store and Gallery by Case-Real

This shop in Fukuoka, Japan, by Japanese designer Koichi Futatsumata of Case-Real can be converted into a gallery or party venue by rapidly dismantling the display stands. 

9 Department Store and Gallery by Case-Real

Called 9 Department Store and Gallery, the space is divided by wooden strand-board into an office and display space.

9 Department Store and Gallery by Case-Real

Stock is displayed on wheeled trolleys and shelves that can be easily dismantled, meaning the shop can be packed into the office quickly when the space is required for another function.

9 Department Store and Gallery by Case-Real

More about Case-Real on Dezeen:

Double OO ‘96 by Case-Real (October 2009)
Tube Amplifier by Case-Real for Elekit (October 2009)
Suzukake Honten by Case-Real (September 2009)
Note by Case-Real (August 2009)
Double 00 ‘09 by Case-Real (August 2009)

9 Department Store and Gallery by Case-Real

Photographs are by Hiroshi Mizusaki.

9 Department Store and Gallery by Case-Real

Here’s some more information from Case-Real:


“Adaptable ready-made rack” – Space design for fashion retailer.

9 Department Store and Gallery by Case-Real

The backspace can be used as an office, and the main space as a shop or a gallery.

9 Department Store and Gallery by Case-Real

The main floor space can also be adapted for occasions such as shows or parties. This is a suggestion from the owner.

9 Department Store and Gallery by Case-Real

Not to mention, it is indispensable that the lighting and the image equipment should be adaptable for occasions.

9 Department Store and Gallery by Case-Real

Additionally, since the main usage of the space is for retail, the key fixture is the display rack. Therefore, it was desirable to make the rack flexible.

9 Department Store and Gallery by Case-Real

Our solution was to use the inexpensive ready-made racks for factories or warehouses with additional appropriate processing.

9 Department Store and Gallery by Case-Real

The rack is suitable for various uses. It is easy to remove the ready-made shelves and the additional custom-made parts such as mirrors and hangers and you can store all the stuff in the space made in the back office in five minutes. This simplicity means minimum stress.

9 Department Store and Gallery by Case-Real

Click above for larger image.

Design: Koichi Futatsumata (CASE-REAL http://www.casereal.com)
Client: Alohanine Co., Ltd
Principal use:  Store & Gallery
Site: Fukuoka, Japan
Completion : 2010
Photo: Hiroshi Mizusaki

See also:


Double OO ‘96
by Case-Real
Double 00 ‘09
by Case-Real
interior stories
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