American Realities by Joakim Eskildsen

Joakim Eskildsen fut commissionné en 2011 par la Directrice de la Photographie de TIME Magazine pour retranscrire le portrait de l’Amérique vivant sous le seuil de pauvreté. C’était le début de la crise. Le photographe, accompagné de Natasha del Toro, reporter, a parcouru New York, la Californie, Louisiane, Le Dakota du Sud et la Georgie à la découverte des oubliés des années noires de la crise. Un reportage qui interpelle avec force et incite celui qui regarde à rentrer dans le quotidien de ces personnages aux allures de héros déchus.

Incredible Series of Autoportraits by Anna di Prospero

Anna di Prospero a réalisé une série d’autoportraits dynamiques dans des environnements urbains, posant ainsi devant une multitude de façades. La photographe italienne explique que les autoportraits permettent d’examiner les relations sociales, obligeant ainsi à poser des questions sur ce que l’on est réellement.

ListenUp: Broken Social Scene: Skyline

Broken Social Scene: Skyline

It’s been seven years since Canadian supergroup Broken Social Scene released an album and yet this year we’re already on our third tease at their forthcoming Hug of Thunder (out 7 July). “Skyline” represents the best of the multi-member act—enveloping……

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Move Over Boston Dynamics: Mech Cyborgs Are Working At Lowe's

Did you know that Lowe’s had a robotic innovation lab? Well you’ve been missing out. While we’ve been hand wringing over creepy new cyberdogs and oddly graceful rollerskaters Lowe’s has calmly been rolling out a robot exosuit for its human employees. 

The Lowe’s Innovation Lab started its human+ journey with the goal of assisting workers whose work requires tiring heavy lifting. In areas of the store focused on deliveries and loading employees can spend around 90% of their time doing heavy lifting. The lab called in the wearable tech knowledge of Alan Asbeck, an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Tech’s College of Engineering, and enlisted his team in designing an assistive solution. 

Jump to 00:51 to see the flexing clearly

The Virginia Tech team, made up of four undergraduate and four graduate students, studied body mechanics and materials properties via the school’s assistive robotics lab. Their work developed a system that reduced a wearer’s effective lifting load to that of the user’s normal body weight. This kind of boost makes safely and comfortably picking up concrete, paint buckets, lumber and furniture a good deal easier. 

Four of the resulting prototypes are currently in use on the floor of the Christiansburg, VA Lowe’s store, where employees are testing their limits and strength. 

The design is a lightweight blend of hard, soft, rigid and flexible elements, coming together in a unit that looks like a hiking pack with leg bands and a longbow strapped to the back. The body-facing attachments are soft textile, and lift-assisting spring parts are carbon fiber. 

As the wearer bends over to pick up a heavy or large object, the rods in the carbon fiber “spine” flex, storing potential energy that then wants to spring back into shape, assisting the user in straightening back up. 

In academic research “soft robotics” tends to cover a different type of (more theoretically useful) functions, but this mix of high and low tech puts a human face on how soft material robotics can enter human spaces. The exosuit’s ability to integrate human strength and mechanical assistance is a promising look at where our mecha fantasies might get real in the near future. And hey, even if the suit’s function is as mundane as helping load lumber into your minivan, it’s much more inviting than an unstoppable robodog.

20 Crazy Burgers From Around The World

Here are 20 Bad Idea Burgers!..(Read…)

Trump Abroad: Oh, the Places Those Tiny Hands Will Go!: The Daily Show

During his first official trip abroad, President Trump makes an arms deal with Saudi Arabia, gets rebuffed by First Lady Melania Trump and jeopardizes U.S. alliances…(Read…)

RIP Fidget Spinners

Fidget spinners, fidget spinners everywhere…(Read…)

How Did You Get Here?

This video explains exactly how you got here…(Read…)

First Person Footage Of A Kiteboarder Flying From One Body Of Water To Another

An epic planet of the apes downwinder to Real Watersports. Big jumps, land gaps, dock grinds, freestyle and park!..(Read…)

How To Safely Escape A Rattlesnake You Accidentally Sit Next To

“After a long day of searching for snakes in the hottest part of the day. I decided to take a break. 15 or so minutes later I heard a rustle in the brush next to me. I take a better look to see an Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake crawling towards me, so i just sat there as still as possible. I thought he was going to keep on cruising by, but instead he decided to check me out. I tried to get him to keep moving but he rushed up onto my lap. This was a very close call. I was definitely out of my comfort zone but by Gods grace I wasn’t harmed. “..(Read…)