Yonoh design studio
Posted in: UncategorizedYonoh è il nome di un interessante studio creativo spagnolo che alterna progetti di industrial e graphic design. Nonostante i buoni risultati in entrambi i campi, ho scelto di inserirli nella categoria “Design” perché mi sembra che la loro formazione, e il loro core business, sia in questo abito. Lo studio è stato fondato nel 2006 dai giovani Clara del Portillo e Alex Selma che incontrai al Salone Satellite 2007, ed è cresciuto tanto bene da vincere negli ultimi due anni premi come il Good Design Award e il Wallpaper Design Award.
Il progetto che ha ricevuto più attenzione è Nenufar, parola che in spagnolo significa ninfea, un parasole in alluminio e tessuto ispirato alle foglie del fiore acquatico.
Degré9 è una serie di fioriere in acciaio corten di forme e dimensioni diverse, accumunate dalle pareti inclinate dello stesso angolo. La similitudine consente di accostare le fioriere tra loro per creare composizioni movimentate ed originali. Degré9 è stato disegnato per l’azienda di arredo urbano Cyria; già che ci sei ti consiglio di guardare bene il loro sito perché vi sono pubblicati altri prodotti molto interessanti.
Mi è piaciuta molto anche Lily, una classica lampada sospesa in metallo e tessuto la cui particolarità è essere un tubolare. Il rivestimento risvolta infatti all’interno, creando un sorprendente effetto luminoso.
Consiglio di tenere d’occhio Yonoh, perché saranno tra i designer spagnoli emergenti dei prossimi anni, e di sfogliare il loro sito, aggiornato regolarmente nei contenuti ma non nel layout … rimasto invariato dalla creazione ad oggi e che necessiterebbe di un buon restyling.
Let’s ixxi today
Posted in: UncategorizedIt took me a while to get this post up, not sure why exactly becasue I really love it! … but please say 'hi' to this wonderful new product from the Netherlands, called ixxi. Perhaps you saw some images already at other blogs, but it couldn't heart you if I show you some more right 🙂
With ixxi you can make your own wall decoration, wallpaper, or room divider in any size you want and with you own personal images!
ixxi is a connecting system consisting of little plastic x’s, i’s, and cards, with which you can design your own (photo) enlargement or collage. You join the cards with the connecting pieces and then you can easily hang your ixxi from the wall or ceiling.
You probably wonder how you get image or photos on the cards, well easy just visit the ixxi website and upload your photos, illustrations, or logos, and determine the desired dimensions….
Some really nice examples in these images don't you agree. I love the Old Masters in the super modern style. I definitley am going to try this with some of the pics from my boys. Which images do you want to use?
The website is very explanatory and will help you create a nice wall in your home. If you have a specific question for ixxi than don't hesitate sending the super friendly founders, Gaby or Roel, of ixxi an email.
A Girl Skateboards 3D Film
Posted in: 3D Film, A Girl, Levi's Film Workshop plus, ty evans, Unbeleafable“Unbeleafable” est un court métrage réalisé par Ty Evans en collaboration avec Levi’s Film Workshop. Utilisant la 3D, ce dernier nous montre des skateboarders professionnels comme Eric Koston ou Brian Anderson. Un rendu intéressant à découvrir dans la suite.
Previously on Fubiz
‘It Can’t Get Any Worse – And Then It Does’ AIA’s Architecture Billings Index Falls Again
Posted in: UncategorizedBecause we’re occasionally stricken with bouts of foolish optimism, we’ve kept expecting that the American Institute of Architect‘s Architecture Billings Index would eventually stop falling and the past six months of stagnation and then heading steadily south was just some sort of crazy fluke that would eventually right itself. But now we’re into July and there’s no good news in that direction. Once again, the Index has moved downward, just shy of a full point below the month before, and there it sits, currently standing at 46.3 (anything above 50 indicates an increase in billings and a general idea of how the building business is faring). All the worse, you know things are lousy when the AIA’s traditionally reserved man of numbers sounds down:
“This seems to be a case of not thinking it can’t get any worse – and then it does,” said AIA Chief Economist, Kermit Baker, PhD, Hon. AIA. “While a modest turn around appeared to be on the way earlier in the year, the overall concern about both domestic and global economies is seeping into design and construction industry and adding yet another element that is preventing recovery. Furthermore, the threat of the federal government failing to resolve the debt ceiling issue is leading to higher borrowing rates for real estate projects and should there actually be a default, we are likely looking at a catastrophic situation for a sector that accounts for more than ten percent of overall GDP.”
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