Photography agents Vue recently dispatched a number of packs of Lego to creative folks across London and challenged them to build a unique new design with the plastic bricks. Here are some of the results…
As can be seen, many people have used the Lego kits to create scenes of violence and devastation, ranging from the smiling serial killer shown top, to Legodzilla below, who according to its creator was “the result of an experiment to imbue a Lego robot with genetic DNA, through artificial insemination with the seed of a poisonous Mongolian lizard”.
Another participant seems to have used their Lego pieces to simply spell out their frame of mind…
Several though, have stuck to Lego convention, making planes and vehicles…
Not the entrant below though, who instead has created ‘The Sir Alan: Contract Terminator Desk’, complete with packaging.
Vue is inviting readers to vote for their favourite model on its blog, with the winner, which will be announced on April 15, awarded one of Lego’s charming Empire State Building kits.
For the sake of impartiality, Vue is not revealing the names of those who entered until after the vote is complete. However, the models shown here have all been completed by creatives on the list below, maybe you can try and guess which model belongs to whom?
Elliot Harris, DLKW Lowe
Vic Polkinghorne, SellSell
Matt Gooden, BMB
Ravi Beeharry & Andy Mancuso, VCCP
Bill Turpin, Bill Turpin Prosthetic Make up
Phil Parker & Danny Daley, Suburb
Ben Kay
Matt Roach & Dave Lawrie, BD Network
Ben Walker, BMB
Dan Hubert, Rainey Kelly
Wilf Eddings, TAG
Temujin Doran, Artist
Rachelle Connelly & James Spake, World Gold Council