Compartes Chocolate and Macallan Truffles

Melt more than hearts with this delicious marriage of single-origin chocolate and 18-year scotch

For those who love chocolate and booze together but have grown beyond liqueur-filled mini chocolates, Compartes Chocolatier recently introduced a limited-edition box of scotch whisky-infused dark truffles. With our favorite The Macallan 18-year single-malt scotch enriching the deep flavor of the single-origin ganache, we’re fans. As the truffle melts in your mouth, the subtle taste of whisky comes through—sounds like a perfect Valentine’s day gift. So either pick up a 10-piece box for yourself or for a loved one for $30 from the Compartes online shop.

Future fabrication: N55’s Spaceplates


Here’s an unusual take on how we might build things in the future: The subversive Danish creative collective known as N55’s Spaceplates. The idea is that we would have the proverbial shit-ton of sheet goods delivered to our home, and we’d break out a domestic CNC, download some plans and have it start carving up modular units that we’d then put together.




Areaware Animal Boxes

Il danese Karl Zahn ha disegnato queste box in legno di faggio di ispirazione faunistica vendute su Areaware.

Areaware Animal Boxes

Areaware Animal Boxes

Areaware Animal Boxes

Areaware Animal Boxes

Amanda Visell’s Batz Maru Customs

Amanda Visell ha customizzato 10 Batz Maru prodotti da Kidrobot di cui 9 avranno la maschera di HelloKitty mentre solo una indosserà con il paraocchi da pirata. Saranno in vendita a 350$ l’uno, una verà rarità. La versione regular in vinile la trovate invece da Atom.

FNG Photo Issue 2010 Exhibition | Preview

In agenda: domani sera dalle 18,30 i cugini di FNG inaugurano c/o la “Four Roses Gallery” di MAD la prima mostra del Photo Issue 2010. 3 scatti per 12 fotografi italiani tra amateur e pro. Il catalogo/fanzine della mostra, edito da Aalphabet, sarà disponibile durante l’evento e successivamente anche online.
All’interno del post vi ho inserito una preview di alcuni scatti, davvero molto belli.

FNG Photo Issue 2010 Exhibition

FNG Photo Issue 2010 Exhibition

FNG Photo Issue 2010 Exhibition

FNG Photo Issue 2010 Exhibition

FNG Photo Issue 2010 Exhibition

FNG Photo Issue 2010 Exhibition

FNG Photo Issue 2010 Exhibition

Le Programme de ma Semaine

Plan week by week with this Francophile notebook

Combining their love of French tendance with clean and playful design, Tokyo stationery brand Mark’s Inc. aptly call their striking weekly planner “Le programme de ma semaine.” Each page features a blank calendar with the days divided into two sections, while the unprinted reverse side provides ample room for jotting down notes. The spiral-bound style helps both for laying it open on a desk or for times like Fashion Week when you’ve got to stay on task but your adorably tiny purse won’t allow for the full notebook.


I happen to love this vibrant raspberry color, but the planner comes in a variety of colors from their online shop Mark’s Tokyo Edge (¥420) as well as from Papernation (£5) in the U.K. If you’re in Barcelona or Madrid, you might find it where I did (thanks Maite!) at the great bookstore
La Central

Ham Solo in CandyBaronite

Ve lo mangereste il capitano Han Solo incapsulato in questa barretta di cioccolato, caramello e…bacon? Idea buona, gusto forse un po’ meno!

Ham Solo in CandyBaronite

Global Village Construction Set


The Global Village Construction Set is an initiative to develop, “an advanced industrial economy-in-a-box” that can be replicated inexpensively anywhere in the world. Described by the team as a “Lego set of modular building blocks,” the 40 proposed machines will work together for creating sustainable, regenerative, resilient communities. Check out their video on the project below and support this great open source project!

GVCS in 2 Minutes from Adam Mitchell on Vimeo.


Daily Obsesh – Unzipped Glass Zipper Bag

imageThere’s only one way to calm a sweet tooth – it’s called candy. Lots and lots of candy. Yum! But you can’t have your sweets laying out all over the place. They need a home too.

And the one we love the best here at Stylehive is this – a glass bag that pays homage to the handy little Ziploc, except this isn’t one that you toss when you’re done with it. Instead, you just fill it up with more of your favorite treats and simply reach one hand into the always ‘unzipped’ opening when you get a craving.

It doesn’t get better than that … or at least, it doesn’t get any sweeter.

Where to

Price – $20.00

Who Found ItSusanY was the first to add the ‘Unzipped Glass Zipper Bag’ to the Hive.

Hedgehog Mittens

Siete sicure di volerle regalare queste Moffole a mo’ di riccio?

Hedgehog Mittens