HTC HD7 | Navigon Telekom Select Edition ohne Zune installieren

Seit Kurzem habe ich das iPhone gegen ein HTC HD7 mit Windows Phone 7 eingetauscht und bin bisher restlos begeistert. Der Bericht folgt später.

Einzig NAVIGON will nicht installieren, obschon die Telekom damit wirbt, dass Kunden 24 Monate umsonst auf die Applikation zugreifen können. Im Zune-Marketplace wird NAVIGON gar nicht erst angezeigt. Mitarbeiter der Telekom-Hotline reden einem sogar aus, dass man NAVIGON installieren kann. Auch die ZUNE‑ und NAVIGON-Hotline sind zunächst ratlos, aber der freundliche Mitarbeiter des Navigationsriesen liefert den Hinweis auf die Ursache (zumindest in meinem Fall).

Hier die Lösung des Problems (das eigentlich kein Problem ist):

  • 1. Nachschauen, ob NAVIGON im Marketplace des Mobiltelefons unter »Navigation« > »Kostenlos« angezeigt wird.
  • 2. Falls nicht, bei der Telekom eine neuere SIM-Karte beantragen (Rufnummer 2828 vom Handy aus)
  • 3. Mit der neuen SIM-Karte einen Hard-Reset durchführen (Telefon unter »Einstellungen« > »Infos« zurücksetzen
  • 4. NAVIGON im Marketplace des Mobiltelefons unter »Navigation« > »Kostenlos« auswählen, vorher eine WiFi-Verbindung herstellen.

That’s it.

Übrigens kein Windows Phone 7-Problem, sondern einfach nur eine veraltete SIM-Karte und Lizenzprobleme. ;)

Giving thanks

Unclutterer is taking the day off today for the Thanksgiving holiday here in the United States.

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Theodore & Rosemary’s Orchard

Un court-film d’animation “Theodore & Rosemary’s Orchard” dirigé et réalisé par Kadavre Exquis, dans un style très sombre. L’histoire d’un voleur qui pénètre en pleine nuit dans un verger pour se procurer des fruits. La bande son est de Nancy Adams – Somebody in my Orchard.



Previously on Fubiz

Zayed National Museum by Foster + Partners

Zayed National Museum by Foster + Partners

Foster + Partners have unveiled designs for a museum on Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi.

Zayed National Museum by Foster + Partners

The Zayed National Mueum will feature five lightweight steel towers resembling birds’ wings, set within a landscaped mound with gallery spaces located at ground level.

Zayed National Museum by Foster + Partners

The latticed towers will be designed to act as thermal chimneys that will draw cool air into the spaces below, whilst cooling pipes buried beneath will release fresh air into the lobby.

Zayed National Museum by Foster + Partners

Named after UAE founder Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the museum will be dedicated to the history and culture of the country.

Zayed National Museum by Foster + Partners

The museum is the latest superstar-designed building to be unveiled for Saadiyat Island cultural district; a performing arts centre by Zaha Hadid, a Guggenheim by Frank Gehry, a branch of the Louvre museum by Jean Nouvel and a maritime museum by Tadao Ando are already underway.

Zayed National Museum by Foster + Partners

See the Masdar Institute by Foster which was opened in Abu Dhabi two days ago in our earlier story.

The following information is from Foster + Partners:

Designs for Zayed National Museum in Abu Dhabi revealed

Designs for the Zayed National Museum have been officially unveiled today by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. Conceived as a monument and memorial to the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the founding president of the UAE, the Museum will be the centrepiece of the Saadiyat Island Cultural District and will showcase the history, culture and more recently the social and economic transformation of the Emirates.

Architecturally, the aim has been to combine a highly efficient, contemporary form with elements of traditional Arabic design and hospitality to create a museum that is sustainable, welcoming and culturally of its place. Celebrating Sheikh Zayed’s legacy and love of nature, the museum is set within a landscaped garden, based on a timeline of his life.

The display spaces are housed within a man-made, landscaped mound. The galleries are placed at the bases of five solar thermal towers. The towers heat up and act as thermal chimneys to draw cooling air currents naturally through the museum. Fresh air is captured at low level and drawn through buried ground-cooling pipes and then released into the museum’s lobby. The heat at the top of the towers works to draw the air up vertically through the galleries due to the thermal stack effect. Air vents open at the top of the wing-shaped towers taking advantage of the negative pressure on the lee of the wing profile to draw the hot air out.

Here in the museum these towers are lightweight steel structures, sculpted aerodynamically to work like the feathers of a bird’s wing.  The analogies with falcons and flight are deliberate and relate directly to Sheikh Zayed’s love of falconry. This theme is further celebrated by a gallery devoted to the subject as part of a wider focus on conservation. These inner spaces open up to an outdoor arena for live displays with hunting birds.

Balancing the lightweight steel structures with a more monumental interior experience, the galleries are anchored by a dramatic top-lit central lobby, which is dug into the earth to exploit its thermal properties and brings together shops, cafes, an auditorium and informal venues for performances of poetry and dance. Throughout, the treatment of light and shade draws on a tradition of discreet, carefully positioned openings, which capture and direct the region’s intense sunlight to illuminate and animate these interior spaces. Objects are displayed within niches and on stone plinths that rise seamlessly from the floor.
The museum contains a variety of performance spaces. A large auditorium, lined with Emirati textiles, provides an evocative setting for presentations and films. The lobby incorporates more informal venues for poetry readings, music and dance, where the audience can gather in a circle to enjoy the spectacle and atmosphere of traditional performances.

The interior concept for the restaurant draws on the opulence and hospitality of the Bedouin tent, with carefully selected furnishings. The majlis, or VIP spaces, open onto a central courtyard. This traditional space offers guests a unique perspective, as it is the only place in the museum where one can enjoy views of the wind towers.

Lord Foster said: “It has been a great privilege to work on the Zayed National Museum, to carry forward Sheikh Zayed’s vision and to communicate the dynamic character of a contemporary United Arab Emirates. We have sought to establish a building that will be an exemplar of sustainable design, resonating with Sheikh Zayed’s love of nature and his wider heritage.”

See also:


Gehry, Nouvel, Ando, Hadid build in Abu DhabiJean Nouvel in
Abu Dhabi
Zaha Hadid in
Abu Dhabi

Finland solves wicked problems


A delegation set up to improve Finland’s international reputation today published its findings with suggestions that the country profile itself as a problem-solver focused on functionality, nature and education.

Finland, the report states, offers the world “functionality and sustainable solutions in the form of both products and services as well as a functioning society, […] its ability to negotiate so that the world can be a better place to live, […] clean water and food and related expertise, [… and] better education and teachers.”

Roope Mokka of Demos Finland, the think tank that compiled the ideas of the delegation, and prepared and wrote the report, said:

“Our approach, as far as I know, has been unique. We all know that even as countries evoke emotions and bring into mind things just like brands, they are not brands. Instead of a pure marketing operation this became a way of developing and safeguarding the country’s most valuable strengths – education, nature and functionality. Instead of a slogan we came up with a mission: Finland Solves Wicked Problems.

We decided to refrain from seeing this as a branding exercise, with campaigns, videos, posters, Finland-events and brand-guides. Instead we asked three questions what in is both strong in Finland and will sustain to be valuable in the future globally? What do we need to do in Finland to support those strengths? What do we need to do internationally to realize this value?

It became a very Finnish brand. We came up with dozens of concrete and sustainable projects that can be deployed to make our strengths visible and increase the value Finland internationally.”

The 365 page report also lays out 34 tasks for different players: ministries, companies, local governments and organizations, as well as private individuals.

Although it is sometimes quite an amusing read for non-Finns with sentences such as “Finland is already the best country in the world” (according to Newsweek apparently), “If Finland did not exist, it would have to be invented,” and “Finns are a dynamic people with their own particular kind of madness,” it is also an exceptionally serious piece of work that builds on Finland’s many unique design strengths.

> Full report
> Report Summary
> Objectives of the branding work
> 1. Finland – it works
> 2. Drink Finland
> 3. Finland gives you a lesson
> 4. Current state of Finland’s brand

Early media reports: Helsinki Times | ISRIA | The Swedish Wire | YLE

(Report also available in Finnish and Swedish)


Habitat Antique by Facet Studio

Habitat Antique by Facet Studio

Facet Studio have completed the interior of a vintage shop in Osaka, Japan, using cedarwood, rice paper and linen.

Habitat Antique by Facet Studio

Called Habitat Antique, layers of timber have been stacked to form pillars, with shelves slotted in between them to create display units.

Habitat Antique by Facet Studio

Photographs are by Tomohiro Sakashita.

Habitat Antique by Facet Studio

Here’s a bit more information from the architects:


Located at a residential area in Japan is a small shop which sells antiques. “Antiques” are objects which are, different from manufactured products, becoming increasingly charming together with the passing of time.

Habitat Antique by Facet Studio

Furthermore, it is also dependant on the location and era of collection that the objects possess their own individuality.

Habitat Antique by Facet Studio

The characteristic of this shop is that there is only one of each item, honouring their individuality.

Habitat Antique by Facet Studio

Timber is a living material. The section of this material records the passing of time in the form of growth rings.

Habitat Antique by Facet Studio

Also, the expression of the material is created by the different patterns formed by growth rings.

Habitat Antique by Facet Studio

In order to extract the charm of this material, we layered the sections of timber, to allow the timber sections to create the “pattern of time” for us.

Habitat Antique by Facet Studio

To enjoy the charm of changing with time; to adore the expression of individualism… This material of timber calmly expresses the secrete pleasure of antique lovers.

Habitat Antique by Facet Studio


PROGRAM: Retail Fitout
LOCATION: Osaka, Japan
AREA: 25m2
MAIN MATERIAL: cedarwood, rice paper, linen fabric

Habitat Antique by Facet Studio

Click for larger image

See also:


Dressler Papeterie und Accessoires by eins:33Brandbase Pallets by
Most Architecture
More retail
on Dezeen

steel FIRE

coffee table

Klaxons – Twin Flames

Un clip surprenant pour le groupe Klaxons sur le titre Twin Flames, avec une direction du réalisateur Saam Farahmand. Produite par Partizan, cette vidéo est extraite de leur dernier album intitulé “Surfing the Void”. Des corps entremêlés de manière artistique, à découvrir dans la suite.


Previously on Fubiz

"Between Reality and Impossible": Dunne and Raby at St Etienne Biennale


Critical design duo Dunne and Raby have made their contribution to the show in St Etienne this year by displaying some of their most recent “design fictions”; a collection of arresting design proposals that transport the mind to an alternate, perhaps future, world in which products and technology are used very differently.

Seeking to demonstrate the philosphical and aesthetic potential of design freed from market conditions, the works on show explore the possible and probable rather than just the “preferable”. The three projects displayed reveal a distinctly dystopian edge: “Designs for an Overpopulated Planet” (pictured above), for example, exploring how “Foragers” of the future might gather and artifically digest plant matter in a food scarce world.

Battling, as ever, with the question of how best to present their conceptual narratives, the pair have used this exhibition to experiment: layering up their alternate worlds by juxtaposing objects and large-scale images with sculptural text—the communicae of a mysterious, future (and of course fictional) “Humanity Defense Group”, through the lens of which the fictions are explored.



Sixth form student CR covers

The students of Pendleton Sixth Form Centre, Salford City College have been at it again – tackling the tricky job that is designing the CR cover. As with the fruits of last year’s project, we’ve picked some of our favourite efforts…

The students, under the tutelage of David Holcroft, were again asked to design a Creative Review front cover and double-page spread based on a chosen design agency as part of their BTEC National Diploma in Graphic Design.

“This year, however, we have explored some of the fantastic design agencies that we have on our doorstep in Manchester and produced covers that reflect their unique nature,” explains Holcroft. “The aims of the project were: to encourage students to take an active interest in the design industry; raise their awareness of editorial design; introduce them to InDesign whilst allowing them the opportunity to develop their conceptual work. Essentially, four birds with one stone.”

Each cover is based on a unique element that the student discovered about their design agency – a quote from their website, an ethos or individual approach, or anything else that seemed to separate them from other design agencies.

All of the work below was produced by 17-19 year-old students who have just started their second year on a BTEC National Diploma in Graphic Design.

The following five were ones that our art director, Paul Pensom, thought stood out; the four after that are a few of the CR editorial team’s favourites. You can see all the designs at the bottom of the post.

Dinosaur HQ by Ashley Tatum


Unique by Jamie Hughes

Emotional Design by Jonathan Nugent

Brains by Jordan Smith

Love Design by Ryan Grimshaw

Metamorphosis by Katie Green

Beauty With Bite by Laura Green

Super Designers by Taime Rotchell

Hard Work by Benjamin Barke