Design Fancy: Judi Alewife, Thrift Store Queen
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pJudi Alewife is a designer/human from Toronto, Canada. Throughout her career, she’s been known as “the scoundrel’s designer” and “the thrift store queen.” She’s never worked for anyone else, and she’s never set the price on a single item that she’s designed. Instead, she make things, then donates the pieces to thrift stores, charging people ten bucks for the information on where she’s donated her stuff. /p
pOne of her first items was the noodle fork. After hearing rumors of people bending their forks to get bigger bunches of noodles on a spin, she started bending her own. She takes the forks, bends them, paints the handles yellow, and attaches a label. They usually go for about a dollar. /p
pimg alt=”alewife3.jpg” src=”” width=”486″ height=”350″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p
pIf the forks sell out in a day, well, the candle maker sells out in a matter of hours. Here’s how they work: First, a string gets tied down the center of the two piece mold at the base of the candle stick. Then you insert a standard candle above it, and when it burns down, the drippings start to fill the mold. It usually takes about 7 or 8 small candles to form the new one. True thrift. When asked about the candle maker, all she would say is that she called the process “horsing down.”/pa href=””(more…)/a
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