Houston Museum Learns a Corpse Flower is the Ticket to Increased Popularity


If you work for a struggling museum, which as we’ve seen over the last couple of years pretty much means any museum, we have two words that will instantly save it and will likely earn you a promotion in the process: corpse flower. Granted the name is unpleasant, but so is the flower itself. Both huge and very rare, the draw is that it usually only blooms once in its lifetime and it’s a complete mystery as to when it will. When it finally does, it emits a powerful, terrible odor. But despite its scent, seeing it bloom is considered a big, big deal, or at least it’s easy to convince the public that it is. The Houston Museum of Natural Science is currently in the throws of corpse flower fever as theirs, “Lois,” looks like it’s getting ready to finally bloom (maybe). As such, they’ve had big crowds, started a webcam, sold merchandise, and most incredible: decided to leave the museum open 24 hours a day. They’ve considered closing when the flower doesn’t seem particularly active, only to see it pop open a bit, and the doors fly back open to the public. Of course they’ve also been blogging like mad (latest update: “Lois continues to progress, albeit not as fast as we had expected.”) and have used the museum’s Twitter account to issue up to the minute reports. Granted, eventually Lois is going to open up and after the stink subsides all the attention will likely taper off a bit, but for now, they seem to be getting the most out of this long, long ride.

Update: How’s that for good timing? Looks like today’s the day Lois will bloom.

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Assorted links for July 22, 2010

Interesting products and articles related to uncluttering and organizing:

  • Not the fastest reader of online content? Want to improve your speed and efficiency? The site Zap Reader helps increase your reading speed — and it’s free.
  • A nice reminder from NPR that libraries “hand you things for free.”
  • BlueLounge has caught our attention recently with two fantastic looking products to help curb cord and cable clutter. For many cables, you might be interested in the CableBox, and for cables that are longer than necessary you might like the CableClip. I want them ALL.
  • If you need some help organizing your briefcase or bag, Lifehacker introduced us to the Cocoon Grid-It Organizer. They’re straps of various lengths in perpendicular and parallel directions to accommodate anything you need to carry.
  • Office furniture designer Mebelux has some amazing, modern roll-top desks in their Angular line. I love the idea of roll-top desks, especially for small spaces where you might not have a separate room for an office. Being able to close up your desk lets you easily keep your work life from invading your home life.
  • Merlin Mann has an interesting (albeit meandering) post “On Future-Proofing Your Passion.” Although it might not seem too related to uncluttering, it has a lot to do with clearing the clutter to focus on what is important.
  • Jeffrey Tang has a wonderful guest post on ZenHabits about “The Clean-Slate Guide to Simplicity.” The premise is to put everything into storage, only pull things out as you need them, and, after a set amount of time, get rid of everything still in storage.

Like this site? Buy Erin Rooney Doland’s Unclutter Your Life in One Week from Amazon.com today.

The Lacemaker by Tord Boontje

The Lacemaker by Tord Boontje

Dutch designer Tord Bootje presents a collection of work made with lace-making techniques from materials including grass and raffia at the Marsden Woo Gallery in London. (more…)

Carmichael’s tummy text

Handlettering artist Alison Carmichael has applied her considerable skills to a new medium in an ad for charity The White Ribbon Alliance

Carmichael, who we profiled here, was asked to paint a message on the stomach of a pregnant model by agency Karmarama. It’s part of a campaign for The White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood which campaigns for more investment for healthcare for women in Africa.

Once Carmichael’s part was completed, the model was shot by Rankin for the final ad (bottom).



Project name: African Union maternal mortality campaign

Client: Betsy McCallon, Director, White Ribbon Alliance

Brief: Urge African leaders to invest in healthcare and cut maternal mortality

Creative Agency: Karmarama

Creative Directors: Sam Walker, Joe De Souza

Photographer: Rankin

Illustrator/Typographer: Alison Carmichael

Exposure: Print, Outdoor, PR


Good uses for tarps: To protect and to surf

pimg alt=”0surfingim.jpg” src=”http://www.core77.com/blog/images/0surfingim.jpg” width=”468″ height=”468″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pSurfers will tell you the experience of riding waves is well worth the preparation required, though that preparation is by no means insignificant: Readying your board, getting up at the right time, traveling to the beach, paddling out and jockeying into position amidst others to catch the perfect swells that Mother Nature has hopefully prepared. /p

pWhat to do when you just can’t get all these stars to align? Santa Cruz surfers Homer Henard and Nic Lamb, assisted by Omar Etcheverry (presumably the guy doing the running) show you their funny experiential substitute:/p

pobject width=”468″ height=”282″param name=”movie” value=”http://www.youtube.com/v/t6-vb20srZIcolor1=0xb1b1b1color2=0xd0d0d0hl=en_USfeature=player_embeddedfs=1″/paramparam name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”/paramparam name=”allowScriptAccess” value=”always”/paramembed src=”http://www.youtube.com/v/t6-vb20srZIcolor1=0xb1b1b1color2=0xd0d0d0hl=en_USfeature=player_embeddedfs=1″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowfullscreen=”true” allowScriptAccess=”always” width=”468″ height=”282″/embed/object/p

pvia A HREF=”http://kottke.org/10/07/tarp-surfing” kottke/Abr /
/pa href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/object_culture/good_uses_for_tarps_to_protect_and_to_surf_16997.asp”(more…)/a
pa href=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/_oEc00ynnIuRKD3X83UaOwyikDU/0/da”img src=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/_oEc00ynnIuRKD3X83UaOwyikDU/0/di” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/abr/
a href=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/_oEc00ynnIuRKD3X83UaOwyikDU/1/da”img src=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/_oEc00ynnIuRKD3X83UaOwyikDU/1/di” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/a/p

Journal de Nimes No. 5

E’ uscito il numero 5 del Journal de Nimes dedicata al mondo british con uno sguardo alla nuova collezione per il 180th di Woolrich. La versione digitale la trovate qui mentre per quella cartacea mi sa che dovrete fare un salto ad Amsterdam.

Journal de Nimes No. 5

Visvim – Isdt Boots

Nuovi boots per Visvim con suola in Vibram ultra leggera e pelle in canguro. In uscita per la stagione F/W 2010.

Visvim – Isdt Boots

The Mill US Showreel 2010

Une nouvelle édition du showreel 2010 du studio The Mill après la mise en ligne du showreel fin 2009. Basé à Londres, il s’agit cette fois d’une version destinée au marché américain. Une compilation de leurs nouveaux travaux durant 4 minutes. A découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.



Previously on Fubiz

Be Stupid in dialetto

Forte del successo della campagna Be Stupid degli ultimi mesi, per la collezione F/W 2010, Diesel pubblicherà nuovi cartelloni declinandoli in tutti i dialetti delle principali città d’Italia come Milano, Bergamo, Torino, Napoli, Reggio Calabria e molte altre…ahahah, eccovi alcuni esempi!

Semaforo VERDE per Analog Tre Quarti Challenge

Finalmente onda. Tutti pronti quindi per questo sabato 24 luglio. Confermata la data dell’ Analog Tre Quarti Challenge. Ricordiamo che il contest è aperto a tutti, pro surfer e amatori, e che sarà possibile, per chi non fosse riuscito a garantirsi un posto nelle pre-iscrizioni, partecipare alla gara registrandosi il giorno stesso al rider office presso il Pontile di Forte dei Marmi, a partire dalle ore 7:00 versando una quota di partecipazione di 30,00 € e presentando un certificato medico valido.
Preparate la paraffina!

Semaforo VERDE per Analog Tre Quarti Challenge