Garbage-hauling industrial design student could be Roommate of the Year
Posted in: UncategorizedpThis is too funny: Pratt industrial design student David Krawczyk is a finalist in A HREF=””’s “Roommate of the Year” contest/A, though initially, he hardly seemed a suitable candidate. While most of us prefer roommates that don’t leave a lot of garbage lying around, Krawczyk would actually Icollect/I garbage off the streets and bring it back to the apartment./p
pThe term “garbage” is relative, of course, and you gotta remember that Krawczyk is an ID student. What he would haul back to the apartment is things like furniture, appliances and lamps, and he would then fix them up and sell them off. /p
pHis roommate, who was initially put off by the garbage accumulation, soon caught the fix-it bug–and now the two of them go out together on Garbage Night, scouring the streets of New York for repairable items./p
pHere’s Krawczyk’s video entry for the contest, and below it a news clip of an interview with him:/p
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pIf Krawczyk wins the contest, he gets a year’s worth of free rent and $10,000. Vote for him A HREF=”” here!/Abr /
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