Confidisc – self injection aid.

Chris Hillios has diabetes. Chris Hillios needs daily injections, which he has to administer himself. This would not have been a problem, had Chris not also been a little insecure and shy when it came to pricking his skin with a syringe. His invention, the Confidisc, is a plastic disc to be placed over the needle of a syringe. The thought is that if you do not see the the needle entering your body, you will be less nervous. This may seem like another case of snake-oil, but Chris Hillios, says the disc reduces the perception of pain which in turn makes the patient more confident and less prone to mistakes, thus reducing the risk of bent needles, failed injection, etc.brbr

Three tier oven rack.

This kitchen gadget is clearly made to meet the needs of Thanksgiving weekend. When else do you have this many dishes in the oven at the same time? But, we will admit, the oven does fill up pretty quick when you have more than two things cooking at the same time. with this rack you can have three tiers of food going at the same time, and if it were not for the turkey, there would be room for three more. USD 20:-.brbr

Christmas tree remote control.

Tired of crawling behind the tree to turn on the lights? Or going out to the garage to light up your Rudy the Red-Nosed Reindeer on the front lawn? Here is the solution. The Smart Home Insteon wireless remote control lets you switch on/off and dim up to six different holiday decorations. How many do you have? USD 90:-.brbr

Mosquito tent for camping cots.

A mozzie net must have a certain distance to the body to be any good. But you do not always have a hook in the ceiling or a tree branch to hang it from. Enter the one man free standing mosquito tent. The tent is suspended by two fiberglass rods, and fastened to the cot with velcro. We found it on Danish Dupont Design where it is DKK 625:- (approx. USD 122:-).brbr

Peep Dis

I hope I find these in my stocking this Christmas…just the sorta thing that will keep me smiling through my work day. Knock Knock knows, "You keep it real in your speech—don’t you want to bring the same off-the-hook self-expression to your written correspondence?" Word Up.

Slang Stickies

A free resource on materials and their use.

The new website Material Experience has been started in an attempt to reduce the distance between engineers designers. On the site, hosted by consultant and materials expert Chris Lefteri, you can learn more on different materials, manufacturing methods and a lot of other stuff that could be good to know.brbr

Snow auger (hand powered snow-blower?).br

Since there are hand powered lawn mowers (yes, they still exist) so why could there not be a manual snow blower? It is called Snow Auger and it moves the snow to the right as you go along. In most cases, we suppose that is all it does, since you will need to achieve considerable speed to enter into snow blower mode. ;-). Available on Amazon for USD 35:-.brbr

LifeLight aims to make Africa a brighter place.

In places where there is no powergrid, hand cranked gadgets and generators naturally have great importance. Lately there has been reports of devices from mobile chargers to the famous USD 100:- laptop from OLPC (albeit it is USD 200:-, it is still a good idea). Among the first modern devices that used this old technology was the clockwork radio invented by Trevor Baylis. Now the Freeplay Foundation, who has been financing and distributing clockwork radios in Africa (above), has started the LifeLight Project in order to develop, produce and distribute lamps based on the same tech. They are currently developing prototypes that are to be field tested in Kenya, and the aim for a base unit that can cradle and charge several portable lamps.brbr

An alternative anti theft strategy.

It may not be the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions theft prevention, but it actually could prevent theft. Maybe. The idea is to apply small stickers printed with likeness of corrosion damage to your car or bicycle, or whatever you own that could rust. Inventor Dominic Wilcox will not offer any promises or guarantees on his website, but we think his idea does have some merit.brbr

Best Monitor Cleaner Ever

Super Cute!

Monitor Cleaner