12 Shapes of Paper by Estonian Academy of Arts students

Each outfit in this series crafted from paper by students in Estonia represents a different month (+ slideshow).

12 Shapes of Paper by Estonian Academy of Arts students
January by Leelo-Mai Aunbaum

Tutored by fashion designer Marit Ilison, the group of Estonian Academy of Arts students were limited to using paper from a single company though they had free reign over colours and forms.

12 Shapes of Paper by Estonian Academy of Arts students
February by Triin Uibo

“It was a very quick course, so students had two weeks for research and then two weeks to test and execute real costumes,” Ilison told Dezeen.

12 Shapes of Paper by Estonian Academy of Arts students
March by Eelin Lepik

This photo set styled by Ilison was used to create a calendar for paper brand Antalis.

12 Shapes of Paper by Estonian Academy of Arts students
April by Kerti Pahk

“I selected best 12 outfits from 24 participators, then I proposed the idea of a calendar to Antalis and they liked it,” said Ilison. “Later we selected and decided which photo would portray which month.”

12 Shapes of Paper by Estonian Academy of Arts students
May by Maria Kahnweiler

The first two wintery pieces were made from white sheets, with January’s design comprising layers of circular sections with strips cut out.

12 Shapes of Paper by Estonian Academy of Arts students
June by Marion Piirmets

For the second, long tubes crossed the body to form a scuptural dress while shorter rolls were stacked into a headpiece.

12 Shapes of Paper by Estonian Academy of Arts students
July by Birgitta Silberg

Moving into Spring, floral shapes adorned outfits as geometric seed pods and then scrunched up pink petals.

12 Shapes of Paper by Estonian Academy of Arts students
August by Karl Keskla

July’s offering saw the material edged in red, looped tightly back and forth to create giant ruffles similar to Elizabethan neck pieces.

12 Shapes of Paper by Estonian Academy of Arts students
September by Anna Baboshina

Colours became more somber on the autumnal garments, particularly the collection of brown shapes built up around the body and extended over the head that looked like leaves ready to fall.

12 Shapes of Paper by Estonian Academy of Arts students
October by Jelena Rumyantseva

For December reams of colourful ribbon-like strips splayed from the shoulders and curled up by the ends, with some tied in a bow at the neck.

12 Shapes of Paper by Estonian Academy of Arts students
November by Kati Stimmer

To see more paper fashion, take a look at a Royal College of Art graduate collection that features a dress that expands as you move and a concertinaed handbag.

12 Shapes of Paper by Estonian Academy of Arts students
December by Janar Juhkov

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12 Shapes of Paper by Estonian Academy of Arts students

Photography is by Maiken Staak. Calendar design is by Tuuli Aule.

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Estonian Academy of Arts students
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