1:1 at the Romanian Pavilion

1:1 at the Romanian Pavilion

Venice Architecture Biennale 2010: visitors to the Romanian Pavilion in the Giardini di Castello at the Venice Architecture Biennale are invited to experience the population density of Bucharest, one at a time.

A 94 square-meter box encloses most of the space inside the pavilion, with one visitor admitted to its interior at a time.

1:1 at the Romanian Pavilion

Visitors queueing in the gap between the enclosure and pavilion walls can glimpse the enclosed space through three peep holes.

1:1 at the Romanian Pavilion

The interior is illuminated by a large circular hole in its ceiling.

1:1 at the Romanian Pavilion

Above: view from inside

The installation was created by Romina Grillo, Ciprian Rășoiu, Liviu Vasiu, Matei Vlăsceanu and Tudor Vlăsceanu.

1:1 at the Romanian Pavilion

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1:1 at the Romanian Pavilion

The information that follows is from the architects:

The premise of the project entitled “1:1”, which will be exhibited in the Romanian Pavilion from Giardini di Castello, is a radical one: architecture as translation of a unique idea, ultimately determining and defining the space we inhabit.

1:1 at the Romanian Pavilion

The concept is to “exhibit space” and, by doing so, to explore its various instances. A specific and quantifiable fact is related to the idea of “space”: 94m2/person is the population density level in Bucharest, and its representative for the urban condition in Romania.

1:1 at the Romanian Pavilion

It illustrates, at the same time, both an individual and a collective state of existence. 94 m2 will be the exhibited “space”.

1:1 at the Romanian Pavilion

It will be experienced by one person at a time.

1:1 at the Romanian Pavilion

Translating at 1:1 scale this abstract and yet fundamental relationship between man and its space, becomes a key in decoding different meanings of space.

1:1 at the Romanian Pavilion

The architecture is the physical presence of the enclosed exhibited space and by a seemingly violent process it defines two spaces, two worlds: one that is planed and another that is accidental and a consequence of the first.

1:1 at the Romanian Pavilion

The exterior of the architectural object, a collective space, presents an enigma. Moving around it prepares the visitors and reveals fragments in three very precise moments thru small round openings in the walls.

1:1 at the Romanian Pavilion

The interior of the architectural object, an individual space, has the desired 94 m2 surface.

1:1 at the Romanian Pavilion

The space receives daylight through a circular opening in the ceiling which together with the three perforations acts as a system of reference for the person inside and defines the inner space with the minimum geometric means necessary.

1:1 at the Romanian Pavilion

The rotated geometry de-materializes the architectural object, creating a relationship between an individual, interior, sacred, private, abstract space and a collective, exterior, profane, public, real space. The tension between these spaces keeps them united; one cannot exist without the other and both cannot exist without architecture.

See also:


Canadian pavilion
by Philip Beesley
Villa Frankenstein by
muf architecture/art
Polish pavilion
at Venice 2010
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