“European architects divided on future construction industry” – Arch-Vision

the expectations for new projects among European architects varies by country according to a report by Rotterdam research agency Arch-Vision. See press release below.

European architects divided on future construction industry

The recently published Q2 report of the European Architectural Barometer shows that the sentiment among architects in Europe varies by country. Especially when it comes to the expected number of projects for the coming 12 months, differences are noticeable. This is unlike the previous quarter, where all architects (except for Spain) expected a growth in the number of projects.

Compared to their European colleagues, German architects are most optimistic about the future. About 53% of them expect an increase in the number of projects in the non-residential segment for the coming 12 months. Only 3% expect a decrease. They are a little less optimistic about the residential segment. About 32% of the German architects expect an increase in this segment. 2% expect a decrease in the number of projects for the coming 12 months.

The architects in the UK are also most optimistic about the non-residential segment. Almost 50% expect an increase in the number of projects for the coming 12 months. 16% of the architects expect a decrease in this segment. About 37% of the architects expect an increase in the residential segment, while 18% expect a decrease.

These and many other results are shown in the European Architectural Barometer, an international research among 1200 architects in Europe. Four times a year, this study is conducted by Arch-Vision in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands. The research covers the developments of architectural turnover and order volumes. Besides these economic statistics, a topic is highlighted each quarter. This is because architects are not only a good indicator for future building volumes, but they are also very influential in how projects are build and which materials are used.


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